Well, this is the first entry, but today is probably a good day to start since I am officially a college graduate. While I am excited and will celebrate appropriately, its a sobering experience to be done with school. Its abrupt. Walking back to meet my family after the graduation ceremony, I asked myself seriously, "that was it?" I have grown and changed so much in these four years, that the picture in my Uconn ID card looks unfamiliar.
I had an interesting dream last night and decided to document it. It seems like you can only remember dreams the day after you have them so the interesting ones should be written about so they are not lost forever.
I was graduating, in my cap and gown, and was sitting in the audience of an auditorium next to my sister. She had come to watch me graduate and I was very excited to be with her. I also had a dog on a leash, that was calmly sitting next to us both. I don't own a dog, but in this dream this dog belonged to me. I went along with this in my dream, probably because I have always wanted to own a dog and this one was rather well behaved. He would sit when I asked him to sit, and he wasn't one of those annoying dogs that always barks at nothing.
My name was called and I walked up to the stage with my dog along side. The graduation proceeded as normal and at the end we all threw our caps in the air as a continuance of tradition. All of the graduates needed to take planes to get home. Half of the graduates were on one plane, and the other half was on a separate plane. When we were off the ground I noticed there was a violent storm outside. The plane I was on began to make violent motions that made my heart sink in my stomach. The motions of the plane were wild and unlike anything I have every experienced during flying. Despite this, I remained calm and had faith in our pilot, who happened to be a recent graduate and a close friend. The plane continued its shake, and it was announced through the intercom that the plane was going to have an "emergency landing".
The crash was surprisingly smooth despite ending up in the middle of a dense forest. I was a bit dazed and banged up but was still alive and able to walk. I got out of the plane and looked around. All of the passengers were dazed but fine. I saw my old blue Pontiac Sunfire sitting in the woods about a football field away from the crash. A couple friends and I went to see if it could start up. Despite not running for months in the real world, this dream Pontiac started right away. My friends doubted its abilities for maneuvering through the woods. I knew better, and the jalopy plowed through leaves and dead logs. Eventually we came out of the forest into a clearing with a familiar looking building with a familiar looking group of people congregated on the back stoop. They were excited to see we were fine, because thy had heard about the crash. Then they told us that the second plane had also crashed, but that no one had survived. I cant remember what I felt after hearing this news, but I looked up into the sky at the tall trees making up the fringe of the forest that we had just exited. At the top of one of the trees, dangling by a parachute, was a school mate of mine. His whole body was visibly pale and was swinging in the wind. His neck was surrounded by tangled rope and nylon. This is the last image I remember before I woke up in the morning.
αυτόματο τηλεφωνη
10 years ago